This section will present all of the player's battle reports from the game. The content includes: 1. results of victories and defeats; 2. basic information such as where the battle took place, when it was fought, and who it was fought against; 3. more detailed information such as Total Units of troops, Losses, gravely wounded, and lightly wounded.
This section will present all of the player's scout reports from the game. The content includes: 1. whether your citadel has been scouted; 2. intelligence of other tribes, including the troop information.
This section provides information related to player alliances, including: 1. Joining/leaving an alliance. 2. Being removed from an alliance. 3. Changes in core alliance management (e.g., alliance leader). 4. Alliance invitations.
Govt decree[]
This section will present all system notifications from the game.The content includes: 1. In-game event start notification; 2. Community event notification; 3. Announcement; 4. Kingdom buff activated; 5. Update notification; 6. Alliance ranking rewards.
Imperial decree[]
This section contains in-game imperial decrees and alerts for when kingdom buffs are activated.